Homeschool Curriculum
There is a smorgasbord of choices when deciding on curricula for your family. It is often trial and error until you find what works best for you and your child. We offer you a complete look at the curriculum choices available.
Charlotte Mason Curriculum

Get all the curriculum and resources you need to implement the Charlotte Mason Method in your homeschool. This educational philosophy is based on living books, nature studies, art and music, and good habit formation. These sources honor the philosophy and spirit of the ideas of Charlotte Mason and make it easy for you to incorporate this beautiful way of learning into your home. 

Choosing Your Curriculum
There are so many curriculum choices available that it can be overwhelming to know which, if any, to choose. We'll help you sort through these choices and learn what to look for in a curriculum package.
Design Your Own
What do you do if you've tried curriculum after curriculum, spending time and money, only to find out that neither you nor your children like or thrive on them? The answer may be to design your own curriculum. It is not as daunting as it may sound. Here are some resources to help you find the right materials for your family.
Unit Studies
Unit studies are a way to integrate many subjects into one topical unit, using one idea, subject, or topic to explore different approaches to study. In general, a topic is chosen and is studied, learning history, science, math, writing, reading, and other subjects while exploring the single topic. Unit studies work well for multi-age homeschoolers, for those looking for a creative way to learn, and for anyone who want real hands-on, real-world learning.
Literature Based Curricula
All learning does not need to come through a textbook. In fact, using the world of books, especially "living books," will excite interest in your childen, will bring history alive, and can awaken them to new perspectives and ways of learning.
Language Arts Curricula
Browse through resources, ideas, and curricula designed to help you teach language arts in your home, especially spelling, writing, reading, and grammar.
Math Curricula
Learning and teaching math at home doesn't need to be hard. You just need the right tools and support. These resources and suppliers offer great idea and educational materials that will make learning math a fun and productive time in your home.
History Curricula
For many children (and parents), learning history is one of the great joys of homeschooling. You can take your time and explore each topic and age until you are ready to move onto the next one. These resources offer great materials and ideas for teaching history in your homeschool.
Geography Curricula
Learn about the world around you and beyond your horizons with these geography resources and materials.
Science Curricula
Can homeschoolers learn science at home? Of course! Learning science in the home can be easy with these great resources, ideas, and materials.
Sonlight Curriculum is a Christian homeschooling company that specializes in literature-based homeschool curriculum programs. They provide complete homeschool curriculum packages and individual homeschool materials so you can build the preschool or K-12 homeschool curriculum that best meets your family's needs. Sonlight is based in Littleton, Colorado and serves customers in over 150 countries worldwide.
Catholic Curricula
There are many curricula providers who offer particularly Catholic materials for homeschoolers. Browse through these resources to find information, support, curriculum, and materials to meet the needs of your Catholic family.
Other Curricula
Here you can find the best of the rest. Browse through this extensive collection of curricula providers.
Used Curricula
There are many opportunities to save money by purchasing used curricula. We've gathered together the best sources for finding the perfect used curriculum at the best possible prices.
What's Popular
Ecce Home Press
Ecce Homo Press is a Catholic homeschooing family owned and operated business and apostolate. Offers the Glory of America series, Little Flowers and Blue Knights materials, and more.
Kolbe Academy Home School
Kolbe Academy Home School is an orthodox Catholic and classical home school program for grades K-12. Offers a classical academic program, syllabi and week-by-week course plans, assessment services, books, and more.
ABC Mouse Homeschool Early Learning Academy
The Homeschool Early Learning Academy offers these features: More than 5,000 learning activities in Reading, Math, Beginning Science, Social Studies, Art, and Music A full online preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten curriculum A Step-by-Step Learning Path that guides your child through the curriculum at his or her own pace Our powerful Lesson Builder tool that allows you to create your own lessons for your child’s curriculum focuses on the important educational basic...
Angelicum Academy Bookstore
Supplier of books and publications with a focus on Catholic, Socratic, and classical works.
Colorado Homeschool Barter & Exchange (CHSBE)
The Colorado Homeschool Barter & Exchange is a group for homeschoolers in Colorado interested in a bartering system services and goods, and to list professional skills and businesses.
Robinson Curriculum
From phonics to physics, the Robinson Curriculum offers 22 CDs and a set of Saxon math books, with the promise that these are all that you need to give your children a superior education. You can use this curriculum to supplement your children's current schooling or as a stand-alone education using the included self-study methods.
Key to...Workbooks
Give your students the keys to math-skill mastery! These self-paced, self-guided workbooks—covering topics from fractions and decimals to algebra and geometry—motivate students and build their confidence with bite-size, easy-to-follow lessons. With Key to…® workbooks, you can customize curriculum for individual learners. Included in the series are: Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Measurement, Metric Measurement, Algebra, and Geometry.
Mother of Divine Grace Families
This list is for families using the classical approach to education as outlined in Laura Berquist's independent study program, Mother of Divine Grace (MODG), and in her book Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum (DYOCC). The discussions on this loop primarily revolve around the implementation and use of resources which are recommended in the MODG syllabi and in DYOCC. Additionally, they always welcome conversations about the classical methodology of MODG/DYOCC.
Choosing & Using Curriculum: For Your Special Child
Homeschooling a child with special needs can be challenging. This book lays out a discussion of different reading and math programs, how to adapt materials for special situations, resources for blind, deaf and speech/language, and curriculum types and styles. It will help you find the resource you need to make your homeschooling successful. 
Buying Used Curriculum
A look at some of the reason not to buy used curriculum. What and where you purchase your curriculum (and any other homeschool-related books) will have a much greater impact on the homeschool market than it would in any other only because of how small this market is.
Catholic Home Schooling: A Handbook for Parents
Mary Kay Clark, the director of the accredited and successful Seton Home Study School shows parents why and how to teach their children at home, giving scores of practical examples and setting forth the spiritual, moral and academic advantages. The book includes chapters by several experts and covers Catholic curriculum, textbooks, Catholic family life, legal aspects, discipline, socialization, home management, using computers, children with learning disabilities, single-parent home schooling, t...
One Stop Shopping, or Eclectic Education?
The homeschool shopping season has begun. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you select materials.
Everyday Mathematics
Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive Pre-K through 6th grade mathematics curriculum developed by the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project and published by McGraw-Hill Education. Everyday Mathematics is a research-based and field-tested curriculum that focuses on developing children’s understandings and skills in ways that produce life-long mathematical power. The Everyday Mathematics curriculum emphasizes: Use of concrete, real-life examples that are meaningful and memorable a...
Finding the Right Curriculum
When you are new to homeschooling, choosing the perfect learning system for your family can be a challenge. This article takes a look at some of the different curriculum options, explores how to combine materials from different suppliers, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of creating your own course of study.
Curriculum Choice: Making Homeschool Decisions Easy
This veteran group of home educators from around the blogosphere joins together to spread the word about their favorite curricla to help you make informed decisions for your homeschool. Their methods and philosophies vary, which means you will find curriculum reviews for an amazing spectrum of materials. You'll find reviews of curricula, books, games, and more.
Veritas Press
Veritas Press offers a history based classical curriculum for kindergarten through twelfth grades.
Happy Phonics
Happy Phonics uses games to teach early reading skills. Simple yet entertaining and educational, these phonics games are printed on colorful, sturdy cardstock ready to cut out. Included is a mother-friendly guidebook which contains details on how to teach phonics and reading, how to pronounce and teach the phonics sounds, how to make your own simple beginning readers, and step-by-step teaching information for each phonics sound. Happy Phonics covers beginning to advanced phonics.
Progeny Press Study Guides for Literature
Progeny Press study guides include vocabulary exercises, comprehension, analysis, and application questions, introduction of literary terms, background information, discussion of related Biblical themes, suggestions for activities related to the reading, a complete answer key, and more. These are some of the titles available (grade range is in parentheses):
Montessori Reading
Montessori Reading is a beginning reading and writing program for elementary aged children. This series of books introduce phonetic letter sounds, phonogram combinations, reading simple sentences, and reading and writing words that name everyday objects, animals, etc. A teaching guide and a child's journal are included.
Spell to Write & Read
This teacher's manual, written by a homeschool educator with experience as a professional school teacher and private tutor, shows how to teach reading the "write" way. By phonetically teaching spelling from the start as the backbone for reading, all children can be taught, regardless of learning styles, to read and spell. If your student knows how to read already, this program can improve his or her spelling. Find out more about this product here.
Life in America
Life in America was designed by home schooling parents to meet the needs of families. Features unit studies in a box, with all resource material supplied.
Create! Press
Create! Press carries creative approaches to teaching creative writing and composition. Their products include the Create-A-Story game, Writing Adventures, Stepping Stones, and more.
Learn and Do Unit Studies
Hands on unit studies on a variety of subjects, including science, life skills, arts and crafts, and animals and insects. Also offers free mini units available for download.
Drawn Into the Heart of Reading
Drawn Into the Heart of Reading was developed for use with students of multiple ages at the same time, perfect for the homeschooling family. It is designed for use as an entire reading program or as a supplement to an existing program for students in grades 2-8.
Noah Webster's Reading Handbook
This is the historic text (originally called the Blue-Backed Speller) that has been updated to teach phonics/beginning reading. The blends and words in this reader are arranged to correlate with the sequence in which the special phonics sounds are taught. This reader is an invaluable teaching tool for children who need extra practice in the application of phonics rules. Find out more here.
TruthQuest History
The TruthQuest History series consists of ten volumes that serve as guides for parent wishing to use real books in their approach to history education. They are full of book recommendations, along with information on the topics of study. There are also writing exercises included in these texts.
Total Language Plus
Total Language Plus is an innovative curriculum focused on teaching thinking and communication skills using literature as a base. The authors believe an integrated system is more efficient than a fragmented approach, discovery style learning is the most effective and learning should be enjoyable. The "discover, do, drill" method is employed throughout the TLP program with activities focusing on thinking skills. These comprehensive novel studies cover spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, analytical and critical thinking, comprehension, writing, listening, and field trips and projects.
Diana Waring--History Alive!
Diana Waring--History Alive! produces books, tapes, videos, and history curriculum for the homeschool market.
MCP PLAID Phonics from Modern Curriculum Press incorporates best practices for teaching essential phonemic awareness and phonics skills with lots of flexibility. Find information on these products here.
Shurley English
Shurley English maintains that effective instruction in English must be founded upon an understanding of how the parts of speech work together in a sentence. A good grammar foundation gives students the skills to improve writing. Grammar is the structure of sentence composition. Through grammar, students learn how to write, improve, and expand sentences. After they have an understanding of sentence structure, students are then able to combine sentences successfully into paragraphs, essays, and reports. For product information on Phonics Pathways, click here or visit their website.
A Child's Story of America
This text reads like a story book more than a history textbook. This book has a decidedly Christian bent. Students are given a comprehensive overview of U.S. history from Columbus to the present. Review questions are included throughout, as well as helpful maps. The text contains numerous pictures and large print. An optional test packet and answer key is available.
Explode The Code
Explode The Code provides a sequential, systematic approach to phonics in which students blend sounds to build vocabulary and read words, phrases, sentences, and stories. Frequent review of previously learned concepts helps increase retention. Each workbook in this series contains exercises that incorporate reading, writing, matching and copying. The consistent format of the books helps facilitate independent work. This series includes primers—Get Ready for The Code, Get Set for The Code, and Go for The Code—which introduce initial consonant sounds. In addition, Beyond The Code provides a comprehension component introducing basic comprehension skills with phonetically controlled stories. You'll find product information here.
Alpha Phonics is a primer for beginning readers. It features 128 self-explanatory lessons, printed in large, clear calligraphy suitable for beginning readers. You'll find product information about Alpha-Phonics here.
Learning Adventures
Each book in the Learning Adventures series covers skills and concepts for grades 4-8, with a history-based approach. Each contains a year's worth of lesson plans in a daily format. All subjects except math are covered.
Catholic Home Schooling: A Handbook for Parents
Mary Kay Clark, the director of the accredited and successful Seton Home Study School shows parents why and how to teach their children at home, giving scores of practical examples and setting forth the spiritual, moral and academic advantages. The book includes chapters by several experts and covers Catholic curriculum, textbooks, Catholic family life, legal aspects, discipline, socialization, home management, using computers, children with learning disabilities, single-parent home schooling, the father's role, Catholic home schooling support groups, and much more. Perfect for mothers who are considering home schooling, or who want to convince their husbands or relatives that home schooling is a good idea. Parents already know the problems in the schools (both public and Catholic). This book gives the solution! A tremendously encouraging, uplifting and practical handbook. 
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